Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I will start this blog with a little bit about myself and what this blog is about.  My name is Bekah and I made this particular blog public because I want to help people.  Especially people who have struggled with similar problems.  I have a private blog for private matters.  I will start by saying I am a mother, wife and teacher.  I just finished my degree in education.  It has always been my dream to be these three things and I've finally achieved all of them.  I married my husband, we will call him J since this is a public blog, about seven and a half years ago.  We have a beautiful daughter, we will call her L, who we struggled for five years to finally have.  She is now a toddler and keeps me running.  In fact, I have to type this standing up or she wants to type too.  We also have three dogs.  I'm a sucker for rescues.  Eddie is our oldest and he is a chihuahua.  Who would have thought I would end up with chihuahuas when I've always hated them.  But Eddie is not a normal chihuahua.  Molly is a mini rat terrier and may be a bit of a mix, we aren't completely sure of her origins but she has been a wonderful and loyal dog.  I totally recommend this type of dog.  She lets L do anything she wants to her.  And Charlie is a chi-weenie.  Yes, I said chi-weenie.  Half chihuahua, half dachshund.  He's a hard headed mess of a little dog but I couldn't refuse him our home when he was in need.  Plus he is the same age as L so they are growing up together.  He is basically her dog.

I have PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) which has made fertility and weight management difficult.  Most people don't make this public information but I will because I wish I had been given more public information when I was first diagnosed.

I went back to college after several years of just being in the workforce.  I was burned out in my early 20s and I knew something had to change, so I went back to achieve my childhood dream of teaching.  It's hard but worth it.  Always go back to school if it will help you achieve a dream.  It is never a bad decision.  We have discovered that our daughter has a corn allergy and I have a slight sensitivity to gluten.  Since I have changed our lifestyle and started cooking, the whole family feels better.  All of my recipes are corn free.  Most of them are gluten free or easily made gluten free.  Most are dairy free or easily made dairy free.  Sometimes I like to bake with almond or coconut milk rather than cow milk.  And most are nut free.  We don't have nut allergies but I just don't care for nuts much.  Most recipes are also soy free because those of us with hormone imbalances are told to stay away from soy when possible.  This is another ingredient that is almost unavoidable in processed foods.  I'm sorry to those with egg allergies, but we love eggs.  Many recipes are egg free but some aren't because we love them.  All recipes are shellfish free but a few have fish such as tuna, salmon and tilapia.  This is pretty rare though.

I will share recipes, projects, lessons, etc. in this blog.  If it helps one person, it worked.  Plus it keeps all of my stuff in one place.  I'm an organizer, list maker, cleaner.  I love things to be simple and uncluttered.  Feel free to pin anything to Pinterest.  I made this public for a reason and to be honest a lot of my ideas are modifications of something else I found on the internet.

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