Friday, May 25, 2012

Safe Cookie Dough

If you are like me, you don't really care to eat an actual cookie.  The dough is what I want.  I don't eat sweets much but when a craving strikes I like to eat a spoonful or two of cookie dough.  I'm not too worried about getting salmonella from raw egg.  The statistics show that salmonella from an egg is actually pretty rare. But of course, it gets blown out of proportion every time it happens.  I have NEVER been sick from eating cookie dough.  However, when I was pregnant, I didn't risk it.  I also don't risk it with my young daughter.  So, I started looking for a recipe I could make without egg.  I'm sorry I don't have a picture of this one.  When I made it, I just made a little bowl of it.  Well, actually a couple of little bowls to get it right.  None of the recipes I followed got it exactly so I modified until I liked what I had.

And here it is:

1¼ cups all-purpose flour
½ cup butter, softened (Note:  Do not melt!  It makes the texture all wrong.  Just let it soften or just starting to melt)
3/4 cup white sugar (you can use raw/organic too as long as it is a finer grain)
2 tablespoons water
½ teaspoon vanilla extract (using an extract is not corn-free so use one you make yourself; I have yet to find an alcohol that is for sure corn-free so I am experimenting with vanilla beans instead; hopefully I'll have a better update for this ingredient soon)

In a bowl (Recipes always say this but I don't know why. What else are you going to put it in?), cream together butter and sugar.  Mix in flour and vanilla.  It will be a little dry and crumbly at this point.  Add water one tablespoon at a time, mixing until you get the right texture.  I found the right amount is usually about 2 tablespoons but this may vary with weather changes.  The weather always affects my baking.

Now, chill and enjoy.  I like it but it is really rich.  Don't expect to eat this entire amount by yourself in one day.  A spoonful or two is perfect to curb that sugar craving though.

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